2025 Musician Appreciation Concert
Net proceeds from the Musician Appreciation Concert go directly to SPCO musicians in appreciation for the passion, dedication, and incredible artistry they share with thousands in our community each year.
We extend our deepest thanks to those who have supported this special event in celebration of the musicians of the SPCO. Thank you!
*Updated as of February 26, 2025
Anonymous (10)
Douglas Affinito
Donna Alexander
Catherine Allan and Timothy Grady
Gary and Mary Ann Anderson
Nina Archabal
Dr. Thomas and Ann Bagnoli
Allison Barosko
Myra Basar
Kay and Rick Bendel
Brent Bertsch
Linda Bjorklund
David and Patricia Borchert
Kathleen Bradbury
Timothy Brausen
Dr. Arnold and Judith Brier
C. M. Brown, In memory of Thomas Brown
David Bruneau
Sheila Burke
Jasmine Carlson
Paul R. Carlton
Anne Casey
Harlan Cavert
Cecil and Margaret Chally
Mary Charles
Friends of The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra
Judith Garcia Galiana and Alberto Castillo
Olivia and Donald Gault
Elizabeth Genovese
Gay Greiter
Kathy Gremillion
Spencer Grimes Spencer Grimes
Elizabeth Gumbrell
Jon Haakenson
Mr. David Hall
Phillip Handy
David and Carol Hardin
Murray Helfer
Nickolas Herman
Anders and Julie Himmelstrup
Beverly Hlavac
Brian Horrigan and Amy Levine
Virginia Housum
Terry and Ann Huntrods
Ruth and John Huss
David H. Ingbar and Mary Meighan
Mark and Mary Johns
James E. Johnson and Lucy Rosenberry Jones
Steven Johnson and Susan Iverson
Lynn K. Johnson
Chris and Janet Johnson
Dwight and Pamela Johnson
Nancy and Bill Jones
Dragisa Jovanovic
Samantha Juneau
Veda Kanitz
John Kendrick
Robert Kieft
Linda A. King and Robert Schauinger
Art and Bethany Klebanov
Marek and Joanna Kokoszka
Linda Krach
Dr. Robert L. Kriel and Dr. Linda E. Krach
Randall and Rachel Kroll
Keith Kuffel
Ms. Liisa Kuukari
Carol A. Larson
Reverend Craig Lemming
Stephen Levin
John Riehle and Peg Lindlof, In memory of Mary Riehle
Gail and Joel Roberts
Tim Rockstad
Thomas D. and Nancy J. Rohde
Marilyn Rose
Diane R. Rosenwald
Jack and Marty Rossmann
Sarah and Mitchell Rubinstein
Vicki Rupp
Beth Sander
William and Susan Sands
Nancy Scanlan
Richard C. Schmitter
Richard Schnieders
Kathleen Schubert
Ronald and Debbie Schultz
Fred and Sylvia Berndt
Margaret Alldredge and Andrew Selden
Linda Sellars
Paul Sitz
Sandra Skaar
Daryl Skobba and Kathleen McLaughlin, In memory of Edouard Blitz
James Smith
Lori Sommerfield, In memory of Robert L. Lee
Joseph and Susan Sorrentino
Anne L. Cheney and W. Stuart Mitchell, Jr.
Jamie Christiansen
Ann Cieslak
Gary Cooper
Jane Sage Cowles
Casey and Rachael Crabb
Doug and Ruth Crane
Mary Cunningham
Sheldon W. Damberg
Victor de Meireles
Gary DeKrey
Douglas Devens and Jennifer Raeder-Devens
Gerardo Diaz
Mark Dougherty
Bill Drake
Joel R. and Joanne Dufresne
Claire Edwards
Chip and Vicki Emery
Dr. Louis Epstein
Susan Fautsch
Bruce Fenster
Karl and Sara Fiegenschuh
Matthew Finley
Belva Flynn
Linda Foreman and Mel Dickstein
Richard Frank
House of Note
Michelle Lichtig
Kelvin Lim
Rachel Lind
Jack Litzau
S.K. and Sing Lo
Madonna Loeffler
Suzanne Long
Cindy Lorah
Holly MacDonald and John Orbison
Stephen H. and Kathi Austin Mahle
Sue Mahle, In honor of Lynn Erikson
Rhoda and Don Mains
Helen Mairs
Margaret Maitland
Michael Manns
Marcia Marchand
Judith Levin Marshall and Todd Marshall
Margery Martin
Stephen and Andrea McCue
Anne McKinsey
Joan Mertz
Stephen Metz
John L. Michel and Dr. H. Berit Midelfort
Brian and Laura Millberg
Michael Monsor
David Morris
Dennis and Patricia Morrow
Krista Nelson and Farhad Anklesaria
Patricia A. O’Gorman
Robert M. Olafson
Kristi and Glen Ollila
Gloria and David Olsen
Tamas Ordog
Dr. Mark Oswood
Deborah J. Palmer and Kenneth L. Rich
Bryan Pena
Judith and John Peterson
Diane Pike and Steve Willett
Barbara Porwit
Ronald Prieve
Michael Rabe
Freya Richman and Karen Casanova
Lori Ricke and Eric Dunn
Mr. Mark Stagg
Mark and Mary Streed Family Fund
Stephanie Sulentic
Matthew Sundheim
Mae Sylvester
James B. Tchobanoff and Mariann Cyr
Lisa Theisen
Karen Trudeau
U.S. Bank
Dale W. Ulrich and Julie Brunner
Michael Unger
Paul and Amy Vargo
Dan Vartolomei
Carl Voss
Sally Wagner
Michael A. Wagner
Dagny Waldeland
Patrick and Kirsten Warfield
Elizabeth Watkins
Margaret Weglinski
Edward K. Weir
Naomi and John Wells
Mark Werness
C. Neil and Julie M. Williams
Elizabeth Willis
Justin Windschitl
Diane Young
Ron Zweber and Peter Scott
*Updated as of February 26, 2025
We have given careful attention to ensure a complete and accurate list. If your name has been misspelled or omitted, please accept our apologies, and inform us of the error by emailing jmagner@spcomail.org.